Moderatorer Daniel Akenine, ordförande Iasa Sweden och Annika Klyver, IRM
Keynote – Designing the post-digital enterprise
Chris Potts, Corporate Strategist and Author, London, England
The world never stands still. While some enterprises are still treating digital business as today’s reality (or even tomorrow’s vision), markets and consumers are already post-digital.
Designing the post-digital enterprise, and investing in the changes that drive success, are the strategic challenges now facing executives and managers.
With a legacy structure, processes, technologies and culture, and an inertia still rooted in what worked in the past, how can our organization keep pace with the world out there? Can we turn these apparent constraints to our advantage, and quickly enough?
The enterprise’s architects are vital for success in meeting these challenges. There has never been a more important time for them to use their talents and techniques in ways that guide innovation, influence investments, and shape the change portfolio.
- Welcome to the post-digital world!
- Key characteristics of the post-digital enterprise
- Enterprise inertia – friend or foe?
- Guiding the key decisions, shaping the change portfolio
- Organizing for success
Chris is a world-leading specialist and mentor in corporate strategies for Enterprise Architecture, Investment in Change, and Enterprise Investment which is the combination of the two. He works with executives and managers on achieving breakthroughs in business and personal performance, with a goals-led strategy, innovative enterprise architecture, and an efficient portfolio of investments in change.
Chris is also a renowned speaker, delivering inspirational keynotes, masterclasses and workshops around the world. He is the author of the world’s only trilogy of business novels, The FruITion Trilogy: “FruITion”, “RecrEAtion” and “DefrICtion”.
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Architecting Customer Experience to Engage and Transform the Organization
David Wheable, Vice President and Principal Consultant, Forrester Research
Most organizations aspire to implement outside-in, customer-focused, cross-functional processes that transform the culture of their organization and set it on the path toward continuous improvement.
They are on a journey — but while the long-term goal might be apparent, how to get there and the challenges on the immediate road ahead are usually far less clear. Many of these challenges represent entrenched, thorny organizational issues that are difficult to tackle.
Therefore, learning from other travelers who have been down the road before can help you avoid obstacles and chart a route that moves the organization forward.
This session sets out the approaches, strategies and techniques to support building exceptional customer experiences.
- Why is customer experience so important?
- What does it mean for your organization,
systems and development approaches? - What is the journey to greater maturity?
- How do I look for opportunities to
improve the Customer Experience?
David Wheable is a Vice President and Principal Consultant who leads Forrester’s Business Technology consulting practice in EMEA.
He provides research-based consulting services to organisations, helping them leverage Forrester’s proprietary research and expertise to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of their stakeholders.
David specializes in helping clients create effective and efficient strategies for their IT Service Management challenges including integrating cloud services bring your own device (BYOD), and mobility.
Does Agile Architecture Have a SAFe Future?
Per-Magnus Skoogh, Agile Organisational Coach, mPeira
Agile architecture used to sound like an oxymoron (such as hot ice-cream). In some circles it may still be so, but attitudes to agility are changing quickly. In many organizations architects are doing their best to support new ways of working.
But … what exactly does this strange term mean, and how does it differ from “normal” architecture? Which are the new principles and practices? Are there any principles? This has not been clear at all.
This is, however, changing quickly. First out to formally and seriously, in a framework, address what agile architecture means, is Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
In here, the architect actually has a job, surprise! Even though definitions are not in-depth, it is a great start and we will discuss what it means in practice and draw conclusions about where we are likely heading in the near future.
A future that will mean a lot of change for many roles, including architects.
Per-Magnus Skoogh has worked full time with formalised agile approaches and frameworks for almost 20 years. Today, he spends most of his time making agile in larger contexts (much more than just a team) work.
He is the author of Agile for Managers, and has written a good number of courses and workshop concepts over the years. A firm believer in the optimized whole, he is passionate about everything from strategic portfolio management to the design of Kanban boards and post-its.
Sammanfattning i soffan
Modernization, the hardest thing you can do in IT?
Henrik Glimberg, Lead Enterprise Architecture Consultant
This session will explore modernization patterns and real life challenges of doing continuous modernization from both an IT and business perspective as well as modernizing the actual IT architecture and the architects role in these projects.
The result is modernization patterns that are based on variants of for example the strangler pattern, business insight, pragmatic thinking and a real life experience of how to manage complex transformations.
Henrik work as a consultant in the solution and Enterprise Architecture area at Tieto. Henrik is also heading Tieto’s internal global architect community with approximately 900 architects, where he strives to create and promote good practices and knowledge sharing.
The End of the Architectural Blueprint
Martin Waligorski, Head of Experience Design & Analytics, SEB
I decennier har it-branschen emulerat metoder och angreppssätt som var hämtade från den industriella världen – med processer, kvalitetskriterier och synen på sina produkter som kunde ha kommit ur Henry Fords bok.
Året är 2016 och världen “äts upp” av mjukvara, vilken samtidigt visar sig vara en av civilisationens hittills mest flexibla, formbara och adaptiva material. Är det rätt att tillämpa den tillverkande industrins principer vid framställning av mjukvaran? Är graden av formalism i it-processerna en möjlighet eller begränsning? Måste man ha en blueprint innan man börjar?
Vi spanar på hur arkitekturarbetet förändras från den industriella, deterministiska och ingenjörsmässiga synsättet mot en ny sorts “organisk” it-arkitektur vilken it-branschen verkar alltmer behöva.
Martin Waligorski har arbetat med it-arkitektur och systemdesign sedan urminnes tid. I sina många uppdrag har han varit involverad i såväl systemutveckling som affärs- och verksamhetsutveckling med it i ett brett spektrum av branscher. Han brinner för it-system som andas kvalitet.
Arkitekten som organisatör
Eva Kammerfors, rådgivare och coach, Teama
Eva ger dig handfasta tips och råd kring hur du som arkitekt kan använda just din kärnkompetens för att med hjälp av arkitekturen organisera förändringsarbetet, bygga team och engagera människorna omkring dig.
- Förväntningarna på arkitekturarbetet och arkitekterna har ökat och det finns inte längre någon möjlighet att gömma sig bakom EA-verktyg, ramverk, böcker eller metoder
- Som arkitekt förväntas du idag kunna leverera inte bara förändringsstöd och arkitekturritningar utan du ska leverera både riktning, flexibilitet och affärsnytta samtidigt som det ges kortare och kortare tid för eftertanke
- Hur säkerställer du då att du som arkitekt skapar värde i den organisation du verkar även om förutsättningarna inte alltid tycks finnas?
Eva Kammerfors är senior rådgivare och coach inom arkitekturledning och styrning. Hon har etablerat och implementerat flertalet arkitekturfunktioner med tillhörande tjänsteportfölj och arbetsprocesser och har lång erfarenhet av arbete med integrerad affärs- verksamhets- och it-utveckling inom privat och offentlig sektor där arkitektur används som förändringsinstrument.
Dragkampen mellan projektledare och arkitekt
Daniel Franzén, konsult, Bustard
Du har säkert sett den på nära håll – dragkampen. Å ena sidan arkitekten som drivs av en ideal världsbild med framtiden i åtanke där man utvecklar för långsiktighet. Å andra sidan projektledaren som kanaliserar den ekonomiska verkligheten, kundernas iver och projektmodellernas piska för att hela tiden kapa ytterligare en tidstjuv.
Under den här sessionen pratar Daniel om riskerna med för starka projektledare eller arkitekter och de nyttor som uppstår när projektledare och arkitekter är lyhörda.
Daniel Franzén är konsult på Bustard och har spenderat de senaste 20 åren som konsult, lärare och föredragshållare inom bl.a. utveckling, arkitektur och lean/agile.
Just nu är Daniel passionerad utövare av att kombinera arbetssätten från Lean och Agile med tydlig, konkret och effektiv arkitektorganisation som ger strategiska och värdebärande lösningar i verksamheten.
Hur en verksamhetsarkitektur kan bidra till att möta utmaningar inom verksamhet och it
Jenni Dahlkvist Vartiainen, verksamhetsarkitekt, Jordbruksverket
Tänk er en verksamhet där verksamhetsreglerna är osäkra till sista minuten, förändringar snabba och deadlines inte förhandlingsbara. It-projekten använder en agil metod men har problem att hitta rätt scope och dela upp arbetet i lämpliga bitar. Kan verksamhetsarkitektur bidra i arbetet med de här utmaningarna?
Det trodde vi på Jordbruksverket och förändrade vårt sätt att arbeta med verksamhetsarkitektur. Med information som lim kombinerar vi verksamhetsregler, begrepp och processer till en helhet. Vi arbetar i iterativa steg för att matcha vår agila miljö.
Detta har hjälpt oss att skapa en gemensam vision och ett gemensamt språk vilket har varit en del av lösningen för att möta våra utmaningar.
Jenni Dahlkvist Vartiainen är verksamhetsarkitekt på Jordbruksverket och har lett arkitekturteamet inom programmet ProCAP. Jenni är certifierad verksamhetsarkitekt med en bakgrund inom affärsanalys, metodutveckling och systemutveckling.
Closing Keynote – The Art of Organizing Architecture
Paul Preiss, CEO, Iasa Global
Paul Preiss, an expert on the architect organization, will guide you through not only the current thinking about architect organizations but a comprehensive engagement model (utilizing any framework you want as well as agile principles) that works in practice.
There are as many ways to organize architects as there are organizations. Most companies have a haphazard accidental approach, a few here and a few there. Ask one group of architects how many there are in the organization and they will tell you how many there are in their group, never knowing there is another team that sits two floors below.
Solution architects, software architects, application architects, arguably the same basic skillset yet radically different deployments. Not to mention the crazy evolution of the EA team and the business architecture team.
This convoluted organizational structure leads to massive inconsistency in architectures capability to address even the most basic goals of the team.
There is good news however, and it comes in many forms. First is, that it has been the experience of the presenter that quality people significantly beat organizing principles for architecture success.
Ten highly qualified people deployed randomly, will consistently outperform even the most well funded and backed team regardless of structure. The other is that we are learning more and more about high quality people based engagement models which help guarantee successful results.
Paul is the CEO and founder of the Iasa, one of the largest Enterprise and IT architect associations in the world. Through his time at Iasa, Paul has taken the association from a single user group in Austin, Tx to an international organization with chapters in over 25 countries. Paul’s vision is a unified architecture profession with effective education, credentials and ethics that fully supports corporate strategy and delivery.
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